SP23 (W12): Last week of Spring CSA!

Dear CSA Members + Farm Community,

I can’t believe it’s already the last week of the first session of our CSA! This spring season has flown. Thanks to all of our wonderful CSA members for being game to try new and unfamiliar veggies, for showing up consistently in all kinds of weather, and for rolling with us during the sometimes confusing first weeks. Y’all are so appreciated. We hope you’ll stick with us as the summer season starts, or if you’re not a member yet, that you’ll consider trying it out!

The summer season will include:
1. The last weeks of strawberry season
2. The start of tomatoes, squash, beans, peppers, and cucumbers
3. Onions and potatoes!
4. Sunflowers, zinnias, lisianthus, and MORE!

If you’re paying weekly for a share, you’ll automatically be enrolled in the summer season unless you decide to stop. If you paid up front for your spring share, be sure to enroll for the next 12 weeks here! If you’ve paid for all three seasons, you’re good to go. You won’t wanna miss the summer CSA session- it’ll be tomato season before you know it!

Thanks to y’all’s generosity, we were able to help some community members out with reduced- price shares. We have the funds to cover more, so if you or someone you know might want a share, but be unable to sign up due to the cost, , fill out this form. If you want to share the harvest with your community, consider donating here.

CSA members, keep your eyes out for another email with more specifics about the upcoming farm tour!

This week’s share will include one of the most delightful vegetables of spring- baby leeks! Leeks are milder and sweeter than onions, but still bring the allium richness to a recipe. I love them in a frittatta, or with greens and white beans in a soup like this (you could substitute the chard in your share for the kale that’s called for).

Happy eating!
Diamond Hill Farmers

This week’s farm share:

$25 Share: Strawberries, Cucumber or Zucchini, Cauliflower or Broccoli, Beets, Bok Choy or Kohlrabi, Little Gems

$35 Share: Strawberries, Cucumber or Zucchini, Cauliflower or Broccoli, Beets, Bok Choy or Kohlrabi, Little Gems, Parsley, Microgreens, Cabbage


SM23 (W1): Summer Crops TAKING OFF


SP23 (W11): Who’s Ready for Summahtime??