2025 CSA is Now On Sale!!
After such an amazing CSA year we’re excited to share with you our grand plans for 2025! We hope you’ll join on for all that’s in store! Plus, get to know Farmer Averi aka your CSA coordinator extraordinaire :)
Oooooh We Got a Cold Snap!
Sub-zero temps are headed our way and we’ve been busy protecting our precious plants! DIY Flower Buckets are on sale for 2025, and get to know Farmer Carolyn!
Welcome to the Slower Season
As CSA wraps up for the year and our markets begin to drop off, we’re switching gears and getting into winter mode :) This winter we hope you’ll read along as we dive into our new “Know Your Farmer” segment where you can get to know our wonderful farm staff! First up is the boss himself, Carter!
F24 (W12): Last Week of 2024 CSA!
We’ve had a tremendous CSA year and we are sooooooo grateful to all of our members for your support!! Our first annual CSA Member Potluck was sweet as can be, and we’re eager to begin plans for next year’s CSA program. Thank you!!!!
F24 (W11): Lettuce Season!
We’re welcoming lettuce season & starting some winter prep. Read on for some yummy sugar snap pea recipes!
F24 (W10): Two Feet in November
We've set our clocks back but we’re looking forward to next season! Read on to learn about timing for final CSA pickups of the year as well as how we’re rolling over into the 2025 season.
F24 (W9): Farm Cam Returns
These October days have been unbelievably beautiful. We’re keeping up with our autumn transplanting schedule and happy to have gotten a few rolls of farm cam footage back! PLUS we’ve got an end-of-season CSA member event coming up you won’t want to miss!
F24 (W8): Fun on the Farm
If there’s one thing our farmers are good at it’s having fun (and growing the best veggies & flowers around of course!)
F24 (W7): Budding Mums and Chilly Fingers
How does a farmer know Fall has arrived? We consult how our fingers feel harvesting at 7:30am!
F24 (W6): Catching Up & Helping Out
We're catching up on the field work that was tabled due to the hurricane, and thinking of ways to help those farmers affected by Helene. We hope you consider donating to Georgia Organics' Farmer Fund.
F24 (W5): Hurricane Helene
With Appalachia feeling the devastation of Hurricane Helene, we're counting our blessings that our land, crops, and farmers are all safe and sound.
F24 (W3): You Win Some, You Lose Some
Farming is both an abundant and joyous endeavor that makes you marvel at the ability of nature to provide…. and a terribly disappointing one where you suffer losses and failures over and over. It just comes with the territory.
F24 (W2): House or Pancake?
How do farmers pass the time while weeding? Learn how to play our favorite game :)
F24 (W1): Autumn on our Minds
Thanks to all of our CSA members who attended our farm tour. We're excited to share our fall abundance with you!
SM24 (W13): That’s a Wrap on Summer
The last week of Summer CSA!!! We're heading into our Fall CSA with our heads held high and a little bit of excitement on the farm!
SM24 (W12): Transplanting Party!
We had a huuuuuuuge transplanting day last week - tons of cabbage, Napa, radicchio, collards, lettuce, and amaranth in the ground!
SM24 (W10): What Does it Take to Flip a Greenhouse?
What does “a few days of hard work” look like when it’s time to flip a greenhouse?? read on! Plus - FALL FULL SEASON CSA NOW ON SALE!